Food & Beverage

February 6th


14:00 - 18:30

Central European Time


Via Pietro Peri 21b, 6900 Lugano

About this event

Join us for our Half-Day event about food and beverage, bringing together brands, investors, start-ups and service providers to network and grow in the food sectors.


Dagorà Roadmap & Members presentation

Carlo Terreni

President Dagorà SA

Michele Foletti

Mayor City of Lugano

Egidio Amoretti

CEO Corte Parma Alimentare srl

Tristan Kohler

Digital Commerce Manager Nespresso Switzerland

Federica Bigiogera

Marketing & Commercial Manager Italy Vitavigor srl

Angelo Bondi

Food Scout Manor Manor AG

Mattia Zanetti

Head of Global Digital & Brand Experience Emmi AG

Nicola Moresi

Board Advisor Digital Strategies ARVI SA

Simone Galli

Director Erbe Ticino

Umberto Callegari

CEO Terre d’Oltrepò

Luca Casura

Group Chief Marketing Officer Bauli Group

Dagorà Community Day

Monza, MB

June 25


4:00pm - 8:00pm

Central European Time

Monza, MB

Via Italia 23

About this event

Join us for the latest Dagorà Community Day, bringing together brands, investors, start-ups and service providers to network and grow in the lifestyle sector.


About Dagorà

Business spaces for scalable innovation with people at the center. We bring together brands, tech companies, investors and start-ups for a stronger, more innovative LifestyleTech ecosystem.